Eyesight and seeing the world is one of the greatest blessings from God to us. Ask a person who could see and now has become blind due to night blindness or retinitis pigmentosa (RP).

Approximately 500,000 children in the developing world go blind each year from insufficient vitamin A. Approximately half of those children die within a year of becoming blind. Mr. MOHAMMAD FATEMI GHANI traveled to a village about 50 KM outside Karachi Pakistan where he came across the plight of the night blind children.

Positive results were achieved in curing this blindness by consuming natural food supplements, Spirulina and Reishi.

Through our humble efforts, DXN network and support of people around the world, we promise to help as many children as possible to get back their eyesight and develop other physical abilities in special needs children.

Beyond PAKISTAN we intend to take this mission further to Bangladesh, Nepal, The Philippines, Africa, and the rest of the world. The project is huge and the total cost for 6 months for one child is about $700.

Our appeal to you is to come forward, take one blind child and help her/him so that they can see the world. Or just donate any amount of Spirulina and Reishi. Please get in touch with INNER VOICE WELFARE FOUNDATION.

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