Her Excellency RAHEELA KHAN celebrates INNER VOICE EDUCATION SYSTEM ANNUAL DAY at SHIGAR BALTISTAN Education Campus. With the start of the new academic year UNIFORMS and BOOKS were distributed among all children. The School building inspection was followed by a traditional feast arranged by the Inner Voice staff for H.E RAHEELA KHAN.
H.E RAHEELA KHAN’s Inner Voice Education System comprises of schools where underprivileged children receive free educational facilities and daily meals across Islamabad Pakistan, Shigar Baltistan, and Azaad Kashmir.
Further to EDUCATION as their main agenda, her organization INNER VOICE WELFARE FOUNDATION is successfully running Vocational Centers under their WOMEN EMPOWERMENT agenda, FOOD RATIONS as part of COVID-RELIEF Campaign for families, Rations for Transgender Community, SPIRULINA superfood campaigns and projects to counter MALNUTRITION in children from underprivileged areas across Pakistan, Gilgit Baltistan, and Azaad Kashmir.
CEO & Founder I.V.W.F
(Inner Voice Welfare Foundation)
Co-Founder I.R.A.W.A
(International Rights And Welfare Association)
Ambassador IIMSAM